HDI’s Vigier: France has a long journey to being a captive-friendly domicileDavid Vigier, chief commercial officer and head of captives strategy at HDI, told The Insurer TV that France’s regulatory overhaul in 2023 to become a captive-friendly domicile took years of lobbying from the risk management community.
It is my belief that we are at the beginning of a global parametric insurance revolution. Parametric is the lead violin in a symphony of risk transferBradley Meier, CEO of NormanMax Syndicate 3939
WDIS’s Ray: Moratorium adds pressure to CA's wildfire insurance market TVCalifornia insurance commissioner Ricardo Lara’s recent moratorium on non-renewals is further tightening the state’s already-strained property insurance market, according to Michael Ray, CEO at Lloyd’s capacity-backed MGA Wildfire Defense Insurance Services.
ICEYE’s Lathrope: Satellite imaging “revolutionising” industry response amid devastating 2023 wildfires