GC’s Carter: 2024 Marsh McLennan Rising Professionals to highlight opportunities amid the chaos

The latest Marsh McLennan Rising Professionals Global Forum, which has become a cornerstone for nurturing talent within the industry, promises to provide an unparalleled opportunity for young professionals to connect, learn and grow, according to its chairman Vicky Carter.

Speaking to The Insurer TV in the run-up to the biennial event, Carter, who is also chairman of global capital solutions, international at Guy Carpenter and deputy chair of Lloyd's, said: "I'm really passionate about helping young people not only enter the industry but also thrive within it.

"This event provides a platform to understand the industry's diverse dynamics, learn essential leadership skills and network with peers and industry leaders,” she added.

The 2024 event's theme, Creating Opportunity out of Chaos, is particularly relevant given the current global landscape.

Carter explained: "We live in a turbulent world, and this theme reflects how we can assist our clients in managing a volatile environment. It's about turning chaos into opportunities."

The agenda is packed with discussions on pressing topics such as climate change; the global political and economic landscape; innovation and technology; branding and cybersecurity.

"We have an impressive line-up of global speakers who will provide a broad, diverse view of the industry's critical issues," Carter added.

Empowering the next generation

With one week to go, the event is designed to empower and educate the next generation of industry leaders. Carter emphasised the importance of aligning the event's topics with the industry's current challenges.

"It's crucial for young professionals to understand how CEOs manage their companies through daily challenges and volatility. This forum is about empowering, educating and engaging with the next generation," she said.

Carter also highlighted the industry's need to attract new talent.

"We're not great at promoting our industry to new talent. But once people enter it, they love it. The themes young people are passionate about – climate change, sustainability, innovation – are at the heart of our industry," she noted.

A diverse and engaging experience

Reflecting on the event's demographics, Carter noted the significant progress in diversity since she entered the industry. "We've come a long way, but there's still work to be done. This event is open to all, from brokers and underwriters to actuaries and legal professionals. It's about bringing together a diverse group of smart, enthusiastic young people," she said.

Attendees can look forward to an engaging experience, with ample opportunities for interaction and Q&A sessions. "The questions from young attendees are insightful, challenging and sometimes even scary. This interaction is what makes the event so enriching," Carter said.

The event will culminate in a gala night featuring a “top-secret A-list musician and a phenomenal speaker”.

"The gala night is a fun, celebratory end to two days of serious and insightful discussions. It's an exciting and enriching event for everyone involved," Carter concluded.

Watch the full 13-minute interview with Guy Carpenter’s Vicky Carter to learn more about what’s in store at this year’s Marsh McLennan Rising Professionals event…