HDI’s Vigier: France has a long journey to being a captive-friendly domicileDavid Vigier, chief commercial officer and head of captives strategy at HDI, told The Insurer TV that France’s regulatory overhaul in 2023 to become a captive-friendly domicile took years of lobbying from the risk management community.
It is my belief that we are at the beginning of a global parametric insurance revolution. Parametric is the lead violin in a symphony of risk transferBradley Meier, CEO of NormanMax Syndicate 3939
Teneo’s Kajiwara: Insurers should be aware that peaceful transition of power in the US is not guaranteed
Ascot’s Kirkby: Capacity returns to downstream energy sector despite losses TVAlexander Kirkby, head of the newly formed energy and marine reinsurance unit at Ascot, said the energy market was adequately capitalised, highlighting downstream energy as a line which capital had recently returned to.